We are pleased to be able to open the store for in-store shopping on May 18th! Please consider the following as you shop, in accordance with the CDC guidelines:
Please wear a mask
Our staff is essential, and are working hard to stay healthy! Please help us by wearing a mask. (Click here for instructions on making cloth face coverings)
Social distance
Our store is small, but we will work hard to social distance. Our staff may remind you to do so, and we thank you for your co-operation!
Limit 5 customers in-store at a time
This may mean you will be asked to wait until a customer leaves before coming inside. Remember, if this is the case, we are always happy to serve you curbside if needed!
Limit Trips
Consider making less frequent trips to the store. Try to consolidate your shopping into one trip. As you do, you may benefit from our free gift with every $50 purchase to an even greater degree!
No outside containers for bulk items
Currently, we ask that you do not bring outside bags or containers for bulk items. We will allow grocery bags, as long as you pack your own items.
Shop alone if possible
This allows us to welcome more customers into the store at a time. We love chatting with our customers! However, remember that someone may be waiting outside. Please shop as quickly as possible, and avoid congregating. We look forward to visiting more with all of you when this is over!
You are still welcome to call the store at (218) 879-3243 or email your orders in ahead of time to cnf.curbside@gmail.com. This may help us expedite orders so we can help more customers faster. Then you can pick up in-store or receive curbside service.
Much thanks from Cloquet Natural Foods staff!